Secret Louisiana

Artikelnr: 20107_gb

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Ed. 2024. The smallest church in the world, the grave of two dogs who got married, a tree where old shoes promise to unburden your soul, the only example of Congo-style architecture built by African Americans, the one-time capital of Texas, one of the most humorous battles of World War II, millions of years-old fossils on the side of a highway, the site of the finest wedding ever to take place in the South, the world s largest bald cypress tree, the flag of the Republic of West Florida (an independent country for two months in 1810), the world s largest chimpanzee sanctuary, the highest natural summit in Louisiana, the oldest human-fabricated structures in the Americas, one of the most mysterious headstone carvings you re likely to see anywhere, the only international boundary marker in the contiguous United States, the smallest plane ever used as Air Force One, a full dinosaur hidden in the heart of Baton Rouge … An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew Louisiana well or would like to discover another side of the state.

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Levereras av: Kartbutiken