Lagom: The Swedish Art of Balanced Living

Artikelnr: 17720_gb

175 kr
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Discover the Swedish ethos of balanced living with this little book of Lagom. The Swedish concept of Lagom (pronounced lah-gom ) roughly translates to not too little, not too much, just right. This charming book introduces readers to a new way of balanced living that promises happiness and sustainability in work and in life. Lagom provides simple solutions to juggle everyday priorities, reduce stress, eat well, and save money, with lessons on the importance of downtime, being outdoors, and Sweden s coffee break culture. Tips on removing clutter and creating a capsule wardrobe help readers achieve Sweden s famously clean and functional design aesthetic, while advice on going green and growing food gets their hands dirty. With seemingly endless financial, emotional, and environmental benefits, Lagom presents an accessible and all-encompassing lifestyle that is sure to inspire mindfulness, wellbeing, and contentment.

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Levereras av: Kartbutiken