Atlas of the Invisible

Artikelnr: 18156_gb

395 kr
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Discover the hidden patterns in human society as you have never seen them before - through the world of data In Atlas of the Invisible, award-winning geographer-designer team James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti redefine what an atlas can be. Transforming enormous data sets into rich maps and cutting-edge vizualisations, they uncover truths about our past, reflect who we are today, and highlight what we face in the years ahead. With their joyfully inquisitive approach, Cheshire and Uberti explore happiness and anxiety levels around the globe; they trace the undersea cables and cell towers that connect us; they examine hidden scars of geopolitics; and illustrate how a warming planet affects everything from hurricanes to the hajj. Years in the making, Atlas of the Invisible invites readers to marvel at the promise and peril of data, and to revel in the secrets and contours of a newly visible world. Winner of the British Cartographic Society Award 2021 Winner of the John C Bartholomew Award for Thematic Mapping 2021 ​Winner of the Stanfords Award for Printed Mapping 2021

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Levereras av: Kartbutiken