Los Picos de Europa - Spanish Trails

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Ed.2018 Engelsk text. In this book Phil Lawler offers a wide selection of walks across the Picos de Europa in the majestic Cordillera Cantabrica, the Cantabrian Mountains, which run parallel with the Atlantic coastline in northern Spain. Phil has an intimate knowledge of this beautiful mountain range, as well as mountains in other parts of Spain. Many of the walks offer a choice of options and all are graded, with clear and concise information and useful tips. This handy and practical guide also indicates where you can find watering holes, as well as where to stay overnight and where to park your car. From an easy or moderate walk to a more strenuous and challenging ascent, there is something here for everyone. This is the first in a series of guides which will cover the Sierra Almijara and Tejeda in Andalucia, the Sierra de Guadarrama near Madrid, the natural park of Cazorla and the Ordesa area of the Pyrenees

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Levereras av: Kartbutiken