Trekking in the Vanoise

Artikelnr: 18274_gb

295 kr
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Cicerone 2021 - Tour of the Vanoise and the Tour des Glaciers de la Vanoise A guide to the Tour of the Vanoise, a 150km hut-to-hut trek in the French mountains between Mont Blanc and the Ecrins, described in 11 day stages from Modane. Also included are the Tours des Glaciers de la Vanoise plus suggestions for other multi-day treks in the national park. Seasons The summer trekking season - mid-June to the end of September Centres Modane, Termignon, Bonneval-sur-Arc, Val d Isère, Tignes, Pralognan-la-Vanoise Difficulty Mostly easy trekking at fairly high altitude. A few optional route variants cross high and remote cols, whilst a very small number of stages have short sections aided by steps or cables. A great - often overlooked - place to start a trekking lifestyle. Must See ​The Grande Casse and Grande Motte, views north to Mont Blanc and south to the Écrins massif, lakes at Plan du Lac and Lozières, the Dent Parrachée, the beautiful Leisse and Rocheure valleys, the wild landscapes of the high passes of the eastern and western Vanoise

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Levereras av: Kartbutiken