Walking the Brittany Coast Path

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Cicerone 2022 - The GR34 from Mont-Saint-Michel to Roscoff Guidebook detailing a 624km section of French long-distance route the GR34 (or Sentier des Douaniers, the Customs Officers Path) along the scenic north coast of Brittany from Mont-Saint-Michel to Roscoff. The popular well-maintained trail takes in cliffs, beaches, seaside resorts and fishing villages and is rich in history and culture. Seasons The GR34 can be hiked at any time of the year, but - taking into account weather and holiday crowds - the best periods are late spring and early autumn. Centres Cancale; Saint-Malo; Dinard; Saint-Cast-le-Guildo; Sables-d Or-les-Pins; Erquy; Pléneuf-Val-André; Saint-Brieuc; Binic; Saint-Quay-Portrieux; Paimpol; Lézardrieux; Tréguier; Perros-Guirec; Trébeurden; Lannion; Locquirec; Morlaix; Carantec; Roscoff Difficulty There are no technical challenges on the GR34; any fit walker can enjoy this trek. The GR34 is not a mountain trail: there are extensive sections of level walking. The trail does, however, climb and descend many slopes - never very long but steep in places. Must See ​Mont-Saint-Michel; Emerald Coast; coastal cliffs between Pointe du Grouin and La Guimorais; Fort La Latte; Cap Fréhel; Cap d Erquy; Sillon de Talbert; Castel Meur; Sept Îles bird sanctuary; Pink Granite Coast; Beg an Fry; boulder-strewn coast between Pointe du Diben and Pointe Annalouesten; Barnénez Cairn; dozens of beaches, large and small!

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