Eat Out In London With Kids: without losing your mind or their appetite

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Hoxton Mini Press 2023 How to eat seriously good food in the capital with little ones... without seriously losing your temper Is there really life (and great food) after children? We think so. You may assume that you are destined to eat leftover spag bol for eternity. But you re wrong. From seasonal small plates and tasting menus to sourdough pizza and ice cream machines, this guide is packed with food that everyone in your family will love. We know you re f**king knackered so give yourself a treat. Read this guide. Then you can go all out - without going insane. Emmy Watts (brilliant author of our Opinionated Guide to Kids London) is back with expert advice that leaves out the obvious or tired high street chains and replaces them with surprising finds that will please both tired parents and wired children alike.

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