Explore the World

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DISCOVERIES THAT SHAPED OUR WORLD Mapping the expeditions that shaped the world as we know it. Every explorer is a true adventurer. Bound by a common curiosity for the unknown, the intrepid individuals featured in Explore the World traveled across land and sea gathering expansive knowledge of geography, climate, culture, flora, and fauna. The expeditions that shaped the world we live in are gathered in this illustrated, non-fiction compendium. From Vikings setting sail in choppy waters to Polynesians investigating the many islands in the South Pacific, this book shines a light on the people that made these adventures possible. Telling stories of teamwork and courage, from the sherpas climbing up Mount Everest to the astronauts who dared to fly into space, Explore the World brings the history up to date. Editors: gestalten Authors: Anton Hallmann Release date: January 2021 Format: 24 X 28 cm ​Features: full color, hardcover, stitch bound, 56 pages

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Levereras av: Kartbutiken