Secret Normandy

Artikelnr: 20102_gb

245 kr
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Snabb leverans: 1-3 dagar
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Säker betalning: Klarna
Ed. 2024 Visit an artist s studio in a castle, discover chapels within the trunk of a medieval oak tree, pour Calvados on a grave in the village of Camembert, pay your respects at the site of scores of apparitions of the Virgin Mary, decipher the alchemical decorations at Hôtel d Escoville in Caen, examine a historic pool for washing horses, seek the work of a Freemason architect in Rouen cathedral … Secret Normandy is an indispensable resource for those who think they already know Normandy or would like to discover its hidden places, taking you far from the crowds and the usual clichés.

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Levereras av: Kartbutiken