Walking in the Brecon Beacons

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cicerone 2022 Guidebook to 45 circular day walks in Wales Brecon Beacons National Park. Exploring areas including Fforest Fawr, the Black Mountains and Waterfall Country, these walks cover both mountain and valley routes and visit classic ridges, dramatic waterfalls, wooded gorges and upland valleys. Seasons The Brecon Beacons has something special to offer in all seasons from the high summits covered in snow to the autumn colours of the wooded valleys. Centres The towns of Llandovery, Brecon, Crickhowell, Abergavenny and Hay-on-Wye provide excellent bases from which to explore the national park. Difficulty The 45 routes cater for all abilities and weather conditions. Low-level valley routes are alternatives to the high peaks and ridges of the central Brecon Beacons. The Waterfall Country offers good options in poor weather and there are a variety of different length walks. Must See ​Mynydd Du, Fforest Fawr, Brecon Beacons, the Black Mountains and Waterfall Country; Pen y Fan; Sgwd Gwladus waterfall (White Lady Falls); Llanthony Priory; fascinating geological features; historical sites; industrial heritage; plants and wildlife

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Levereras av: Kartbutiken