TILTA Power Supply Base for RS 2


Artikelnr: 60005758

1 699 kr
Frakt 79 kr Fåtal i lager
Snabb leverans: 2-7 arbetsdagar
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Säker betalning: Klarna

Power Supply Base Plate for RS 2

The Power Supply Base Plate for RS 2  attaches directly to the base of the RS 2 and allows you to power the gimbal via Gold or V-Mount Batteries via the included P-tap to 2-pin cable.

The 1/4″-20 and 3/8″-16 threads on the bottom of the Base Plate allow you to mount the RS2 to many different systems such as Tripods, Jibs, Sliders, Car Mounts, Stabilization Systems, and other products in our Ecosystem like the Hydra Alien and Float System.

The side bracket attaches from the Base Plate to the body of the RS 2 which provides an additional point of contact and added security.


Leverantörens artikelnummer60005758
Förpackningsvikt (g)180,00
Förpackningsvolym (l)0,79
Höjd (mm)120,00
Förpackningsvolym (l)110,00
Bredd (mm)60,00

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